Synopsis: “The Sweet Heritage” is a short documentary created as an international coproduction between BNT, COPEAM and ASBU „Inter-Rives9: People and Markets” about the Regional Open-air Ethnographic Museum “Etar” close to Gaborovo. The film tells the story of Boyan, a third-generation confectioner whose candy apples and roosters entice the young and old visitors who come to delight in the cobbled stone alleys of the Museum. Boayn is a rare example of a young man who decided to preserve the traditional family craft and develop it overcoming the difficulties in this type of business. Following his story the international audience will see the most beautiful and interesting spots on the market street of the Museum and will learn about water-powered tools such as the lathe, the fulling mill, the knife sharpener and other more complex tools used by the Bulgarians in that area in the past.
Director: Vanya Boycheva
Writer: Vanya Boycheva
Producer: Irena Marinova
Country of Origin: Bulgaria
Country of Filming: Bulgaria
Language: Bulgarian
Runtime: 00:11:32