Synopsis: Echoes of an ancestral chant resonate deep in the jungle of Misiones, Argentina. They are the voices of the Mbya Guaraní people who preserve their musical legacy through the songs of their children.
Submitter Statement: My first link with this project was from the music of TONOLEC; that particular fusion between the electronic and the native ancestral songs that transported us from the present to other times. But behind that, I noticed something that was also interesting to me: The story of two contemporary musicians who, to inspire themselves, looked where nobody else was looking. In a time when there is a lot of cultural material and foreign influences, the work of TONOLEC reminds us of the true essence of the word “original”, which in its deepest etymology means: “return to the origin”. For years, we grew up with an education that ignored the original native peoples, putting them in the past, as if they were no longer part of our reality. This project tries to break with that look, breaking the prejudices that portray them as “poor” and “backward” peoples, constantly pointing out “what they lack”. In our case, we are interested in showing that these cultures are alive; and promote (from our place of musicians and filmmakers) what they have and what they are. In a simple story that offers the audience a journey through a wonderful universal language: music.
Director: Mana García
Producer: Paula Asprella
Key Cast: Charo Bogarin, Diego Pérez
Country of Origin: Argentina
Country of Filming: Argentina, Brazil
Language: Spanish
Runtime: 01:10:00