Synopsis: When Noemí left Escarigo in the 1960s, in pursuit of a better life, the streets were filled with life and joy. Now, the silence reigns in this rural Portuguese village. Seventeen years after her last visit to her hometown, we follow Noemí along on a journey where she rediscovers places, faces and memories in an almost empty village that she barely recognizes anymore. With the help of the few residents left and longtime friends, Noemí dives into her past while trying to overcome the loss of those she loves.
Director: Mariana Lima Mateus
Producer: Mariana Lima Mateus
Country of Origin: Portugal
Country of Filming: Portugal
Language: Portuguese
Runtime: 00:19:52
Mariana Lima Mateus
Bio: Mariana Lima Mateus is a filmmaker from Lisbon, Portugal. She has always been passionate about film and photography and its ability to shed light on moving and inspiring stories, bringing to discussion relevant topics that could lead to social change. Mariana moved to London in 2022 where she completed a Master in Documentary Film at the University of the Arts London. It was during her time at the London College of Communication that she directed, shot and edited her first short documentary “The Colours of Grief”, where we follow Noemí on a journey back to her hometown, Escarigo, an almost empty Portuguese village, previously filled with life.