Synopsis: It is the story of a young Iranian girl (Ghazaleh), who was recently killed in the “Women, Life, Freedom” movement in Iran by a direct bullet from regime agents. She filmed the moment of her death and is the narrator of her death…
Submitter Statement: It is the story of a young Iranian girl (Ghazaleh), who was recently killed in the “Women, Life, Freedom” movement in Iran by a direct bullet from regime agents. She filmed the moment of her death and is the narrator of her death…
Director: Ali Zare Ghanatnowi
Writer: Ali Zare Ghanatnowi
Producer: Ali Zare Ghanatnowi
Country of Origin: France
Language: French, Persian
Runtime: 00:14:17
Project Website:
Student’s Project: No
Ali Zare Ghanatnowi
Ali’s first experience with film and media started at Iran’s National Broadcasting Company, in the state of Fars, where he worked as an editor, writer, and production assistant, when he was only sixteen. He not only continued working in the TV broadcasting field, but produced several shows for school and won his High School the country wide prestigious award for the Best School Show in 1997. Before starting his film studies at University of Tehran and continue on to Cinema School, Ali had already accumulated substantial experience in the field which helped further his university studies.
In directorial and cameraman capacity, Ali worked on a number of TV commercials and advertising campaigns from 2006 to 2016. In 2004 he founded, Cinema School, in Shiraz where he taught numerous workshops such as Principles of Pacing and Timing, Directing, Screenplay Writing, Film Theory and Criticism.FILMOGRAPHY
• In Progress- Pour with the Rain, “Ba Baran Bebar”; Documentary (Cameraman, Writer, Producer, Director)
• 2023 The Pomegranate , Animation (Producer, Writer, Director)
• 2022 The Kiss, Animation (Producer, Writer, Director)
• 2019- The Fence, Animation (Producer, Writer, Director)
• 2017-18 Empty View, “Chashmandaze Khali”; Animation (Producer, Writer, Editor, Director)
• 2017- The Internationale, “Beynolmelali”; Animation (Director, Producer, Writer)
• 2017- Essence , “Hasti”; Animation (Producer, Writer, Director)
• 2017- Duet ,(Executive Producer)
• 2016- Zand Street, “Khiabane Zand”; Documentary (Producer, Writer, Director, Cameraman)
• 2016- Coming Week, “Hafteye Ayandeh”; Documentary (Writer, Producer)
• 2015- Jump In Love, “Paresh Dar Eshq”; Experimental Movie (Producer, Editor)
• 2015- Timology, “Timology”; Experimental Movie (Editor, Producer)
• 2015- Umbilical Cord, “Bande Naaf”; Experimental Movie (Writer, Director, Producer)
• 2014- My Town is the village, “Shahre man, Aabaadi”; TV film (Editor)
• 2014- The Lives Of Others, “Zendegie Digaraan”; Animation (Writer, Producer)
• 2013- Dad’s Fragile Doll, “Aroosake Chiniye Baba”; Animation (Writer, Director, editor, Producer)
• 2012- The Lights, “Cheraghha”; Feature Documentary (Writer, Director, Producer)
• 2011- Sistan Itinerary, “Safarnameh Sistan”; Documantary (Producer, Director, Writer)
• 2010- Cries and Whispers, “Faryadha o Najvaha”; Documentary (Writer, Director, Producer)
• 2009- Red Mind, “Aghle Sorkh”; Experimental Documentary (Producer, Director, Writer)
• 2008- Four Deaths of a Writer, “Chahar Marge Yek Nevisandeh”; Documentary (Writer, Director)
• 2006- Makoo, “Makoo”; Video Art (Writer, Director)
• 2004- MIT, “MIT”; Documentary (Writer, Director)
• 2003- Oasis, “Vahe”; Short Film (Editor)
• 2001- Winners Win Nothing, “Barandegan Chizi Nemibarand”; Short Film (Writer, Director)
• 2001- World View, “Jahan Nama”; Documentary (Editor)
• 2000- Gallant Heroes in Victory, “Mosabegheh Delavar Mardane Fat’h”; TV match (Editor, Assistant Director)
• 2000- Grey Autumn, “Paeeze Khakestari”; Short Film (Writer, Director)
• 2000- HandiCrafts in Fars Province, “Sanaye’e Dastiye Fars”; Documentary (Director)
• 1999- Iran the Year Zero, “Iran, Saale Sefr”; Radio Play (Writer)
• 1999- Viewpoint, “Didgah”; TV Show (Editor, Assistant Director, Writer)