Natália is a 75 year old portuguese craftswoman, who struggles to maintain the art of the bulrush mats. Ever since her early days, in a time and place that knew no abundance, the bulrush was a central piece of a simple way of living. Her life and her craft intertwine and blend in a magic realism documentary.
Director: Pedro Cruz, David Gomes
Runtime: 25 minutes 42 seconds
Country of Origin: Portugal
Country of Filming: Portugal
Language: Portuguese
Subtitles: No
Pedro Cruz, David Gomes
David Gomes and Pedro Cruz are a directing duo from Portugal. They’ve won best short film at the Festival Luso-Brasileiro de Santa Maria da Feira 2018, Portugal as well as an honorable mention at Caminhos do Cinema Português 2017, Portugal with the docudrama Vou-me Despedir do Rio / Farewell to the River. They ‘ve just finished a new docudrama short, Tália, while working in a new documentary on refugees, with the University of Coimbra.