Synopsis: In a peaceful, but mysterious forest, a mother and a son live in harmony, until a strange serpent sneaks up on them, disturbing their peace. The serpent turns into a beautiful maiden and seduces the dim-witted son. Mother then goes into the forest to search for Stribor, a forest god, and ask him for help. However, when she finds him, things start to develop in an unexpected way and mother must gather all her courage and strength to save her son. This lighthearted interpretation of the story of Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić plays with tradition and gives the original story a dark, but comical twist.
Director: Ana Despot
Writer: Ana Despot
Producer: Academy of Fine Arts, Zagreb
Key Cast: Dragan Despot
Country of Origin: Croatia
Language: Croatian
Runtime: 00:07:34
Project Website:
Student’s Project: Yes