Synopsis: In Pujiao Village, Jinping County, on the Sino-Vietnamese border in Yunnan Province, there is a primary school in a mountain village. The school has a police station on one side and a border defense company on the other. The village committee is below the school, and the surrounding villages are villages. The People’s Liberation Army, the police, villagers, teachers from other provinces, and representatives of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China meet here. Units or individuals who are usually close to each other but parallel to each other work together to help the students. The school seems to be a big stage. And the ethereal feeling, and the students are the audience and the protagonists, either passive or active. The joys and sorrows of children are still there, and the joys and sorrows of adults are also there. It seems that they have changed. We are all children. In this film, the People’s Liberation Army has funded three times, the police gave a campus bullying lecture, the party representatives of the 19th National Congress came to visit once, and there were two new crown vaccinations inside and outside the school. The military camp, parents and children participated in their own singing parties. The children wrote two poems to deduce their inner emotions and express their views on the surroundings. Teachers inside and outside the province also spent every moment with their children in joys, sorrows and sorrows. Going forward, we all need to quietly wait for the kids to adjust, because we were all kids once.
Submitter Statement: I hope that more forces will pay attention to the children on the border between China and Vietnam. They are marginalized and disadvantaged groups. To pay attention to them is to pay attention to the future.
Director: Hu Xiao
Writer: Hu Xiao
Producer: Hu Xiao
Key Cast: fu Cheng Luo, an Zhi Deng, xiang Chun Deng
Country of Origin: China
Country of Filming: China
Language: Chinese
Runtime: 00:52:46
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