Synopsis: “Deep in the Amazon, the last remnants of the Noke Koi ethnic group live, which is loosely translated as ‘True People’. Their ancestral knowledge about the powerful Medicine of the Forest remains alive, even though it is under threat of disappearing. It is an anthropological record of the culture, spirituality, and ancient medicines. It is a way to learn from the forest’s indigenous peoples, how to find healing and inner peace through self-knowledge and spiritual connection.”.
Director: Arthur Ribeiro
Writer: Daniel Henrique Lopes
Producer: Panã Kamãnawa, VarîViná Kamãnawa, Hoshonawa Kamãnawa
Key Cast: Edna Aguiar
Country of Origin: Brazil
Country of Filming: Brazil
Language: Portuguese
Subtitles: Portuguese
Runtime: 00:30:00
Project Website: