Bel Bechara – Sandro Serpa
Bel Bechara and Sandro Serpa have been working together for 15 years with film, video and photography. Graduated in Social Communication from UFMG, they have designed and performed several documentary and fiction projects, shown at national and international shows and festivals and on television. In 2001 they founded Macondo Filmes, in prey for which they carry out their copyright projects and provide services.
Bel Bechara and Sandro Serpa have worked together since 1996 with film, video and photography. Formed in Social Communication by the UFMG, they idealized and performed various documentary and fiction projects, exhibited national and international shows and festivals and on television. In 2001 they founded Macondo Filmes, a company for which they carry out their projects and provide services.