Sociedade Harmonia Eborense & Heritales, “European day of monuments and sites – ICOMOS”
Centennial associations are spaces of collective heritage with an uncertain horizon. What was the social function they played that made them indispensable in the past? What role can they play in the future? These issues will be addressed through the case of Sociedade Harmonia Eborense.
Researcher María Zozaya will reveal the forms of sociability developed at SHE since its creation in 1849. It will show the functionality that has made these associations essential in the past. To get to the present, she will recall some of the activities carried out at SHE between 2010 and 2021. These examples serve as a motto for the debate on the complex future of this type of association.
The Association’s Governing Bodies: the board and the general assembly will be invited to speak. These, closer to the difficulties that plague the association, will talk about the problems that make up the “complex future” for life in these types of institutions. In addition there will present be the current associated members, who with their contribution enrich an important debate on the survival of these collective forces of society.