Heritales @ IMARGEM – Associação de Artistas Plásticos do Concelho de Almada – Portugal (6th of September 2024)

Heritales Trophies’ Exhibition

In each edition, the festival offers an exhibition of trophies. followed by the awards ceremony. with the presence of master’s students and winning authors of the competition. Due to the SARs-Covid confinement period. some of the trophies did not reach the respective authors awarded at the awards ceremony. That’s why. This is the time to showcase some of the trophies that span the years between 2021-24 and that host this edition.
The exhibition 0 Heritage is Here! presents a variety of creative solutions for designing the different prize categories and the material possibilities they can take. The trophies respect the care of heritage in a broad sense. once. predominantly in glass and ceramics. share a love for our community world. empathetic. ecological and sustainable, which we believe truly exists out there and in some way in each of us.

Screened films: The making of the trophies