Heritales @ EspacioPlástico – Cordoba – Spain (19th of September 2022)


The Festival Heritales-Heritage Film Festival has the honor to invite you to the session organized in collaboration with «Espacio Plástico» which will screen the film in competition at the V Edição HERITALES entitled Greenland, about the loss of an Ohio community due to deindustrialization, directed by Alexandra Sicotte Levésque . The presentation will be given by Almudena Martíon Pérez, coordinator of the Córboba sections in this V edition of Heritales 2022, and will take place at the headquarters of Espacio Plástico (Avda Almogávares, 17) in collaboration with the Industrial Heritage Association of Córdoba.

More Info about the film

  • Target Audience: General public, youth, adults, seniors, students, researchers.
  • Day: 19th of September 2022
  • Time: 18.00
  • Duration: 77 min + debate
  • Location: EspacioPlastico
  • Presence of the director: Online
  • Registration: Not necessary but preferred
  • Extra Activities: Presentation by Almudena Martín-Pérez (Heritales International Collaborator)