Ventana|Janela, FCAT & Heritales @ SHE – Evora – Portugal (16th -17th of September 2020)

  • Target Audience: General public, youth, adults, seniors, researchers, cultural programmers.
  • Day: 16-17 of September 2020
  • Time: 22.00
  • Duration: 90min
  • Location : Sociedade Harminia Eborense –  Evora
  • Registration: Only members of SHE. It is possible to register for membership
  • Notes: Presentation of short films followed by debate

IKHWENE («FRATERNIDAD») (16 of September 2020)

Mohamed is a hardened pastor living in the Tunisian countryside with his wife and two children. When his eldest son, Malek, returns from Syria with a young woman wearing a nicab, he is deeply disturbed and begins to distrust. The growing tension between father and son reaches the point of no return.

Túnez, 2018 (25´)


UN METIER BIEN (16 of September 2020)

When his mother dies, Hakim, a young  Frenchman of North African origin, decides to find a good job and to sort himself out. His neighborhood does not offer much and Hakim ends up selling hijabs in a shop run by fervent Muslims..

Algery/France 2015 (24´)


Une place dans l’avion (16 of September 2020)

A radio station announces that a special plane bound for the United States has been made available to anyone who wants to emigrate, just ask, there are no other conditions, but places are limited. Moussa, who has always dreamed of leaving, decides to give it a try.

Sénégal, 2016 (17´)


La Laine Sur Le Dos (17 of September 2020)

Two policemen stop an old truck full of sheep driven by an older man accompanied by his grandson on a road in the Tunisian desert. In order to continue on their way to the market, they will have to accept a curious deal …

Túnez, 2016 (16´)


IL PLEUT SUR OUAGA (17 of September 2020)

It’s raining on Ouaga. It’s the season of love, and the country is rebuilding after the revolution. Alpha is about to leave his country to join his French girlfriend, but finds that leaving isn’t so easy. His meeting with Leila opens his eyes.

Burkina Faso, 2017 (24.36´)


LES PASTÈQUES DU CHEIKH (17 of September 2020)

Sheikh Taher is a godly and respected imam. He agrees to pray over the remains of a woman he does not know, but his act of piety proves to be one sin too many and will precipitate the undermining of his power by Hamid, his ambitious and Machiavellian young underling..

Tunez, 2018 (23´)