Synopsis: Beside the clouds, a city like an abyss, detached from the ground but not from time and impermanence. After graduation, four children set off on their own paths, each branching into their unique journeys and each experiencing their own profound changes. Life hangs by a thread, rising and falling like dust, where to seek those beautiful bygone days? Meetings are fleeting, with no promise of a next time, where then to seek the beauty of endurance? From the oil painting series “Concrete Heaven” by Pu Yuemei, featuring a unique worldview, whimsical plots, and intricate metaphors, it’s an ode to the song of life.
Submitter Statement: ,I kept this story for ten years, intermittently drawing it into a cartoon, and then made up my mind to finish it during the lockdown in 2022. This is more like the moral of me and my living environment. Everyone in the story is like my old friends, and maybe my own thoughts diverged. I will try my best to finish it and tie a knot in our life together with Pu Yuemei’s series of works.
Director: Qiang Chen
Writer: Qiang Chen
Producer: Qiang Chen
Key Cast: Yi Lang Chen
Country of Origin: United States
Language: Chinese – Min Nan
Runtime: 00:34:00
Project Website:
Student’s Project: No
Qiang Chen
實驗藝術家,現居紐約和北京。主要創作形式包括行為藝術、裝置藝術、繪畫、實驗電影、實驗音樂以及動畫。2005 年開始運用影像作品,表達對當下社會的想法,其中做了三部動畫,並參加了展覽,展開其動畫創作生涯。藝術創作曾多次參與國際藝術展,2013 年動畫短片《懸城》入圍香港 ifva 亞洲新力量組,作品尚有《臭肉》、《多夢症》等,多次入選北京獨立影像展