Heritales @ Teatro do Recreio Desportivo da Trafaria (Casino) (17th of December 2021)

Cinema in the Casino

Heritales open a new cinema cicle in the Casino da Trafaria, for the first appointmet we will project the work of our awarded director João Meirinhos. An amazing night with  3 documentaries that will take us to the magic land of Alentejo (Portugal).

Transmutation – The beat of the past looms  seeks to trigger social awareness regarding the disappearance of hand weaving in the Alentejo region of Portugal. It also serves as a portrait about the last weavers still working today using experimental methods of film making, sound composition and ethnographic storytelling.

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/418864398

Original soundscape: Mestre André
Production: Tânia C. Neves & Nova Tradição
Film and final edit work: João Meirinhos

O Museu da Dona Violante
At the village of Barradas, on the edge between the Portuguese regions of Alentejo and Algarve, we found Dona Violante’s peculiar museum of arts, crafts and awe. A simple conversation that gained wings and touched so many relevant subjects about the overwhelming pace of nowadays.

Trailer: https://youtu.be/MnPt3aBb4YI

– Cinema no Estendal 2020
– PRÉMIO, Melhor filme Documentário no 3o. Festival e Mostra de Audiovisual NUPEPA/ImaRgens, ICNOVA/LAPS
– 3in1 Film Fest, 2021.

Pano da Terra
NOVA TRADIÇÃO presents the ethnographic documentary: “PANO DA TERRA” by João Meirinhos and Tânia C. Neves
A film about the latest weavers and spinners from Vila de Mértola, Reguengos de Monsaraz and the village of São Pedro de Sólis.

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/209522569


Please join us in this magic Friday night on one of the most beautiful setting of the Lisbon region. The old Casino of Trafaria, on the river Tagus will host this event and it will welcome you in its beautiful renewed premise.


  • Target Audience: General public, families, children, adults, seniors,
  • Day: 17th of December 2021
  • Time: 21.00
  • Duration: 75min
  • Location: Teatro do Recreio Desportivo da Trafaria (Portugal)
  • Registration: Mandatory registration, please send  an email to: rdt.casino@gmail.com
  • Presence of the director: Yes
  • Extra Activities: Presentation by d  Nicola Schiavottiello (Co-director Heritales)

Heritales @ SHE – Evora – Portugal (11th of November 2021)

I’m Burning

Renaissance, a challenge. The artistic project of the Valencian creators Miguel Arraiz and David Moreno, will cross the Atlantic to establish synergies with the most important ephemeral art event in the world, the Burning Man in the Nevada desert.

  • Target Audience: General public, youth, adults, seniors, students, researchers.
  • Day: 11th of November 2021
  • Time: 21.00
  • Duration: 54 min + debate
  • Location: Sociedade Harminia Eborense –  Evora
  • Presence of the director: no
  • Registration: Not necessary but preferred
  • Extra Activities: Film projection followed by debate with M. Zozaya , Takis, Fernando Mendes.

Heritales @ Residências Refúgio Festival Lisboa (1st of October 2021)

Heritales at the Residências Refúgio Festival

On Friday night at the Residências Refúgio festival, Heritales will once again propose the film Migrante, winner of the animation category with presentation of the award at the Monstra 2020 Festival. “MIGRANT” is an animated short film with a powerful message in favor of migration , built from real testimonies that were animated by more than 50 animators from 11 Latin American countries and produced by ANIMA LATINA. Each of the 30 segments that make up the short film is brought to the screen through the unique style of each animator. Latin American cultural diversity will be represented through the heterogeneity of proposals, transforming “Migrant” into a true animated mosaic.


  • Target Audience: General public, families, children, adults, seniors,
  • Day: 1st of October 2021
  • Time: 21.00
  • Duration: 75min
  • Location: Quartel GNR, Largo Cabeço da Bola, Intendente, Lisboa (Portugal)
  • Registration: Not necessary
  • Presence of the director: Online
  • Extra Activities: Presentation by d  Nicola Schiavottiello (Co-director Heritales)

Heritales @ Teatro do Recreio Desportivo da Trafaria (Casino) (1st of October 2021)

Cinema in the Casino

Following the success of the last edition of the festival even with a reduced accessibility due to the pandemic situation, Heritales re-propose an amazing film which was projected during last edition of the festival.

Brazilian Palestine is a documentary that shows the communities born of the nakba – the Arabic word whose meaning is catastrophe or disaster – seek, in the diaspora, full integration and a new citizenship in Brazil.

Please join us in this magic Friday night on one of the most beautiful setting of the Lisbon region. The old Casino of Trafaria, on the river Tagus will host this event and it will welcome you in its beautiful renewed premise.



  • Target Audience: General public, families, children, adults, seniors,
  • Day: 1st of October 2021
  • Time: 21.30
  • Duration: 75min
  • Location: Teatro do Recreio Desportivo da Trafaria (Portugal)
  • Registration: Mandatory registration, please send  an email to: rdt.casino@gmail.com
  • Presence of the director: Online
  • Extra Activities: Presentation by d  Nicola Schiavottiello (Co-director Heritales)

Heritales @ Barrio Torrão 2° – Trafaria (23rd of September 2021)

HERITALES Animation´s film selection 2020

After the great success in 2020 with many films about different thematics and the presentation of the winner of the animation category at the Monstra Festival, Heritales re-propose a night of projection of the 15 animated selected film of the 2020 edition. We will be waiting you at the            Barrio Torrão 2° one of the most emblematic and fascinating neighbourhood in the south of Lisbon (Portugal).


  • Target Audience: General public, youth, adults, families, childrens
  • Day: 23rd of May 2021
  • Time: 19.00
  • Duration: 60 min
  • Location: Barrio Torrao 2°
  • Presence of the director: No
  • Registration: No need but limited space available
  • Extra Activities: Presentation by d  Nicola Schiavottiello (Co-director Heritales) and Joao Cao da Associaçao Canto do Curio


Heritales @ The Night of Researchers – Evora – Portugal (24th of September 2021)

  • Target Audience: General public, youth, adults, seniors, researchers, cultural programmers.
  • Day: 24th ofSeptember 2021
  • Time: 16.00 to 23.00
  • Duration: 90min
  • Location : Associação Comercial do Distrito de Évora
  • Registration: free entry
  • Notes: Film projection followed by debate with festival organizers Maria Zozaya , Takis Sarantoupolos, Fernando Mendes, Nicola Schiavottiello

Heritales @ Convento dos Remedios – Evora – Portugal (22nd of July 2021)

  • Target Audience: General public, youth, adults, seniors, researchers, cultural programmers.
  • Day: 22nd of July 2021
  • Time: 22.00
  • Duration: 90min
  • Location : Conventos dos Remédios Évora
  • Registration: free entry
  • Notes: Film projection followed by debate with festival organizers Maria Zozaya , Takis Sarantoupolos, Fernando Mendes

Heritales @ SHE – Evora – Portugal (9th of June 2021)

  • Target Audience: General public, youth, adults, seniors, researchers, cultural programmers.
  • Day: 9 of June 2021
  • Time: 18.00
  • Duration: 90min
  • Location : Sociedade Harminia Eborense –  Evora
  • Registration: Only members of SHE. It is possible to register for membership
  • Notes: Film projection followed by debate with thedirector Isabella Galante moderate  by M. Zozaya , Takis, Fernando Mendes

Heritales @ SHE – Evora – Portugal (19th of April 2021)

  • Target Audience: General public, youth, adults, seniors, researchers, cultural programmers.
  • Day: 19 of April 2021
  • Time: 18.00
  • Duration: 90min
  • Location : Sociedade Harminia Eborense –  Evora
  • Registration: Only members of SHE. It is possible to register for membership
  • Notes: Film projection followed by debate by M. Zozaya , Takis, Fernando Mendes