Hey! Teachers!

Two young intellectuals, Katya and Vassya, come to a small industrial town to work as teachers. They want to change the system of scholastic education and the social situation in difficult regions. The school is a closed conservative world, where obedience and discipline are of the highest value. Young teachers discover that nationalism, sexism and homophobia are typical for their new environment. Children see the school as a prison and are completely indifferent to any new ideas. During one school year we observe attempts of our protagonists to bring new practices into the system. Young teachers try to speak with children about feminism, human rights and Russian politics, but the system pushes them out, and a comedy turns into a drama


In some Iranian ethnic groups,girls and boys,
from adolescence,are forced to nominate elders
by donating a gift colled “Nishaan”. 

Heritales @ Biblioteca Municipal Almeida Faria – Montemor-O-Novo – Portugal (25th of October 2019)

Cinema e Resistência

The CineClube & Municipal Theater of Montemor-o-Novo in partnership with the Festival Heritales, are joining once again for the event Cinema e Resistência at the  auditory of the Biblioteca Municipal Almeida Faria in Montemor-o-Novo (Portugal).

The Montemor-o-Novo Municipal Cineclub & Film Library, in partnership with the Almeida Faria Municipal Library Reading Club, promotes literary journeys and a film cycle on the theme of resistance.

The Cinema and Resistance cycle intends to contribute to launch the debate about the relations between the act of making cinema and the act of resist. The resistance to Status Quo, the resistance of the black woman and the representativeness of the Blacks, The resistance and the body or the memory and the Resistance. Resist making cinema as a way to fight for the rights of the oppressed, the discriminated or for denouncing and combating racism. These are just some of the aspects to be addressed by programming the CINEMA AND RESISTANCE Cycle.

  • Target Audience: General public, families, children, adults, seniors,
  • Day: 25th of October 2019
  • Time: 21.30
  • Duration: 90min
  • Location:  Municipal Library of Montemor-O-Novo
  • Presence of the director: Video-conference
  • Registration: No registration required but lçimited space available
  • Extra Activities: Presentation and debate with Nicola Schiavottiello & Maria Zozaya  co-directors of Heritales.

Download event’s poster

Download event’s program (Portuguese)

They won’t steal my voice

Lisbon; March 2018. At the Women’s March,
against wage inequality,
gentrification, xenophobia, gender violence,
femicide. Adelaide (36), poet, and Naire (68),
retired lawyer march together for
changes while unraveling the differences
generational in their struggles. Six days later, at
Brazil, Marielle Franco is murdered. Not us
We will shut up.

Terra Yanomami

claudia-andujar ImageThe Yanomami have not been properly consulted about their views and have little access to independent information about the impacts of mining.

Davi Kopenawa, a leading Yanomami spokesman and President of Hutukara

Yanomami Association, warns of the dangers.

‘The Yanomami people do not want the national congress to approve the law or the president to sign it. We do not want to accept this law.

‘Our land has to be respected. Our land is our heritage, a heritage which protects us.’

‘Mining will only destroy nature. It will only destroy the streams and the rivers and kill the fish and kill the environment – and kill us. And bring in diseases which never existed in our land.’


Tempestades Ensaio  de Um Ensaio

A documentary essay about text
that penetrates lives and lives that penetrate text.
In September 2015 the GRIOT theater – a company in Lisbon, whose actors are mostly afro-descendants – started the rehearsal of The Tempest, original title) with acclaimed director Bruno Bravo in a small coastal village. Starting with the first rehearsals the movie explores the text Shakespeare and the biography of the actors, the play and the landscape and covers topics such as memory, home, emigration, colonialism and resistance. A complex mosaic of multiple voices.

Heritales @ Preocupada (Casa Branca – Portugal (18th of July 2019)

Heritales in the Village

The CineClube & Municipal Theater of Montemor-o-Novo in partnership with the Festival Heritales, are joining this year at the event of th  Oficina do Convento, Preoccupada with the intention of taking the cinema to the nearby village of Casa Branca.
What is the importance of a look, what is the interest of reflecting and questioning the ideas of heritage of inheritance and identity. What we want as future. These are some of the questions that come up when we find places like the Casa Branca. Places built for specific functions, places that were inhabited, lived and left memories, now forgotten and lost in their insignificance, before the needs of today’s society. However, a new look and a new perception, together with the will to make happen, rediscovering needs to the detriment of uselessness and apathy, results in the rebirth, the reinterpretation of spaces and people, functions and memories to transform what seems illusory doomed at last, in a new possibility of life.
It is with this idea in our head and heart that we will exhibit films. With the purpose of inspiring the community exactly for this fight against desertification, against abandonment, against lowering the arms before the unlikely possibility of victory of the collective will and effort. The cinema is also a form of struggle, of passing the message, of contributing, changing for the better our lives, and the places we go.
If the song is a weapon of intervention, cinema is the action that complements it. (traslation from the website Oficinas do Convento)

  • Target Audience: General public, families, children, adults, seniors,
  • Day: 18th of July 2019
  • Time: 21.30
  • Duration: 90min
  • Location: Casa Branca
  • Presence of the director: Yes
  • Registration: No registration required
  • Extra Activities: Presentation and debate with Nicola Schiavottiello co-director Heritales.

More Info o the website of the Festival Preocupada de Montemor-o-Novo

Heritales @ Centro de Inovação da Mouraria Creative Hub (6th of July 2019)

Heritales Awards Night

We are honored to invite you to the to the awards night of the III Heritales – International Heritage Film Festival. We will be hosted by the fantastic Centro de Inovação da Mouraria / Mouraria Creative Hub in the heart of Lisbon. An event not to be missed with the projections of the winners of the competition 2018/2019. The event is free with lots of surprises. Please do not hesitate to contact us for some more information, we will be waiting you in this magic setting!

  • Target Audience: General public, families, children, adults, seniors,
  • Day: 6th of July 2019
  • Time: 21.00
  • Duration: 240min
  • Location: Centro de Inovação da Mouraria
  • Presence of the director: Yes
  • Registration: No registration required but limited space available
  • Extra Activities: Presentation and debate with Nicola Schiavottiello co-director Heritales.

Download event’s poster

Heritales @ Teatro do Recreio Desportivo da Trafaria (Casino) (15th of June 2019)

Indian Day

A selection of documentary and animation coming from India:

Hindu EU, Aabua Paika Kabu Bageya, Nawabi Baluchari, Chitrakathi, Dvandva (द्वंद्व)

  • Target Audience: General public, families, children, adults, seniors,
  • Day: 15th of June 2019
  • Time: 19.00
  • Duration: 60min
  • Location: Teatro do Recreio Desportivo da Trafaria (Portugal)
  • Presence of the director: yet to be confirmaed
  • Registration: No registration required but limited space available
  • Extra Activities: Presentation and debate with Nicola Schiavottiello co-director Heritales.

Download event’s poster

Heritales @ Universidade Popular Almada (8th and 22nd of June 2019)

Noites Lusófonas

Two magic nights at the Popular University of Almada. We arre goig to repeat some of the film projected during the year wich ar part of the 2018/19 comeptitions. The films are:

8th: Bondança & A Mezinha do Santo

22nd: Filmclubismin BF & Marabaixo Stories

Come early to find space!

  • Target Audience: General public, youth, adults, seniors
  • Day: 8th and 22nd of June 2019
  • Time: 21.00
  • Duration: 60min + debates
  • Location: Universidade Popular Almada
  • Presence of the director: Video-conference
  • Registration: Not necessary but limited spaces available
  • Extra Activities: Presence of the Heritales director Nicola Schiavottiello. Presentation of the award ceremony on the 28th of June 2019.

Heritales @ SHE – Évora (13th of June 2019)

Saakhelu Kiwe Kame

The Saakhelu Kiwe Kame is a ritual of the Nasa indigenous peoples of Colombia, which deals with the revitalization of mother earth in the context of global warming and post-conflict Colombia.

  • Target Audience: General public, youth, adults, seniors
  • Day: 13th of June 2019
  • Time: 22.00
  • Duration: 20min
  • Location: Sociedade Harmonia Eborense -Évora
  • Presence of the director: Video-conference
  • Registration: Not necessary but limited spaces available
  • Extra Activities: Presence of the directors of Heritales  Maria Zoazaya and Nicola Schiavottiello. Presentation of the award ceremony on the 28th of June 2019

Heritales @ SHE – Évora (13th of June 2019)

Spirit in the concrete

Ntuthuko goes home, from Johannesburg to the Vaal, in the exploration of spiritual healing and the relevance of practising in today’s society through his mother, Makhambule, and sister, Fundisile. This leads them to conversations of the family’s past that were never had and some forgotten.
Ntuthuko tells the tale of African spirituality from a sangoma’s son perspective and a young person who is living in this turbulent modern age trying to preserve a heritage that most have lost.

  • Target Audience: General public, youth, adults, seniors
  • Day: 13th of June 2019
  • Time: 22.00
  • Duration: 16 min  + debate
  • Location: Sociedade Harmonia Eborense – Évora
  • Presence of the director: Video-conference
  • Registration: Not necessary but limited spaces available
  • Extra Activities: Presence of the directors of Heritales  Maria Zozaya and Nicola Schiavottiello. Presentation of the award ceremony on the 28th of June 2019

Heritales @ Casa do Brasil – Lisbon (30th May 2019)

Kabadio – Time goes by slowly, barefoot

A deep dive into a new world, filled with rituals, music, magic, secrets, fascinating images and stories of real people who struggle to survive, keeping their traditions in the midst of a civil war and the smuggling of goods.
In the heart of Casamance (southern region of Senegal), a small Muslim village, which is a sort of mystical island protected by religious leaders called Marabus, the sound of drums lights the fire, dictating the fate of an uncertain future, where mysticism is the only protective shield.
We are in front of a large mirror. The mirror of the soul. Where you can touch the blowing wind; where you can feel the dried land under your feet just a few kilometers from the sea. Where you hear enlightened children’s laughing, spreading hope for those able to get close to them. Where time goes by slowly, barefoot.

  • Target Audience: General public, youth, adults, seniors
  • Day: 30th of May 2019
  • Time: 21.00
  • Duration: 90 min + debate
  • Location: Casa do Brasil (Lisboa)
  • Presence of the director: Video-conference
  • Registration: No registration required but limited space available
  • Extra Activities: Presentation and debate with Nicola Schiavottiello co-director Heritales.

Download event’s poster