Heritales @ SHE – Evora – Portugal (3rd of December 2020)

  • Target Audience: General public, youth, adults, seniors, researchers, cultural programmers.
  • Day: 3 of December 2020
  • Time: 19.00
  • Duration: 90min
  • Location : Sociedade Harminia Eborense –  Evora
  • Registration: Only members of SHE. It is possible to register for membership
  • Notes: Film projection followed by debate by M. Zozaya , Takis, Fernando Mendes

“The 5th Step”, 2005, 16’. Dir. Mariana Conde, Donna Mabey & Josephine Reynolds.

“Cópia criativa” 2020, 7’ . Dir. Takis.

“Making-off de um filme” .
Fotografias. Dir. Jorge Fanico.
Film Making Off. Dir. Maria Zozaya & Fernando Mendes. Ante-estreia.

Heritales Awards – Lisboa/Trafaria – Portugal (25th – 26th of September 2020)

Award Cerimony & Residency 2020

Heritales celebrates the award ceremony and the residency of the online 2020 competition. We would like to invite all our fans for 2 days of Heritage films activities. The award event will take place online at the Nacinal Museum of Ethnology while the residency will take place on the opposite side of the river Tejo in the beutiful fishing village of Trafaria. Due to the current situacion this year we need to restrict tha available places so don’t forget to reserve yours at: info@heritales.com

  • Target Audience: General public, families, children, adults, seniors,
  • Day: 25th & 26th of September 2020
  • Time: See poster
  • Duration: See poster
  • Location:

25th of September Online at https://www.heritales.org/wp/live/

26th of September Antigo Presidio da Trafaria – Trafaria (Portugal)

26th of September Recreio Desportivo da TrafairaTrafaria (Portugal)

  • Presence of the director: Yes
  • Registration: Please send us an email with the name and surname of all the partecipants at: info@heritales.org
  • Extra Activities: Presentation and debate with all the members of Heritales and director of the 2020 edition

Download Poster in PDF English

Download Poster in PDF Portuguese

Heritales @ Cova do Vapor – Trafaria – Portugal (18th of September2020)

Cinema in the Outdoor

On the 18th of  September Heritales will collaborate once again with the Biblioteca do Vapor for an exciting night under the stars!
Come to assist in a session of outdoor cinema with all the family and have a different night.
  • Target Audience: General public, families, children, adults, seniors,
  • Day: 10th of July 2019
  • Time: 21.30
  • Duration: 90min
  • Location:  Jardin das Merendas Cova Do Vapor  – Trafaria
  • Presence of the director: No
  • Registration: No registration required but lçimited space available
  • Extra Activities: Presentation and debate with Nicola Schiavottiello co-directors of Heritales.

Fontes hidrotermais. Uma fonte de vida ou uma fonte de mistérios? Quando se perde no oceano profundo, o Tentáculos encontra um surpreendente oásis de vida. Junta-te ao Tentáculos para perceber como pode haver vida nas fontes hidrotermais.

Oceanos. Uma fonte interminável de energia limpa.
O Tentáculos sente-se sem energia, mas o que não falta é energia no oceano. Junta-te ao Tentáculos e vem descobrir como podemos aproveitar a energia do mar.

Onda da Nazaré. Uma onda tão grande como a sua fama.
No maravilhoso oceano do Tentáculos há uma onda que se destaca: a onda da Nazaré. Chega a ter mais de 20 metros de altura e atrai surfistas destemidos de todo o mundo. Junta-te ao Tentáculos e vem saber mais sobre esta onda gigante.

A sardinha e o upwelling. Uma história que acaba no prato ou no pão.
Enquanto o Tentáculos se diverte num arraial dos santos populares, descobre porque é que as sardinhadas são o pitéu de eleição dos portugueses durante o verão.

Oceano. O grande pulmão azul.
Temos mais a agradecer ao oceano do que o que pensamos. Junta-te ao Tentáculos, enquanto este se tenta desembaraçar de uma alga teimosa, e descobre mais sobre o importante papel do oceano para o planeta Terra.

Client: SNIMAR -Sistema De Nacional de Informaçao Do Mar


Nuno Beato ThumbNuno Beato

Nuno Beato was born in 1977. He decided to open LAMPADACESA in 1998, after working with other producers. His career in the Animation Cinema has been in continuous growth. He likes to experiment new techniques and explore different materials.


Category: Documentary-Animation Duration: 60′ – Spoken Language: Portuguese – Subtitle Available: English Production Date: 2016 – Producer/Production Entity: EMEPC, Sardinha em Lataf

Ventana|Janela, FCAT & Heritales @ SHE – Evora – Portugal (16th -17th of September 2020)

  • Target Audience: General public, youth, adults, seniors, researchers, cultural programmers.
  • Day: 16-17 of September 2020
  • Time: 22.00
  • Duration: 90min
  • Location : Sociedade Harminia Eborense –  Evora
  • Registration: Only members of SHE. It is possible to register for membership
  • Notes: Presentation of short films followed by debate

IKHWENE («FRATERNIDAD») (16 of September 2020)

Mohamed is a hardened pastor living in the Tunisian countryside with his wife and two children. When his eldest son, Malek, returns from Syria with a young woman wearing a nicab, he is deeply disturbed and begins to distrust. The growing tension between father and son reaches the point of no return.

Túnez, 2018 (25´)


UN METIER BIEN (16 of September 2020)

When his mother dies, Hakim, a young  Frenchman of North African origin, decides to find a good job and to sort himself out. His neighborhood does not offer much and Hakim ends up selling hijabs in a shop run by fervent Muslims..

Algery/France 2015 (24´)


Une place dans l’avion (16 of September 2020)

A radio station announces that a special plane bound for the United States has been made available to anyone who wants to emigrate, just ask, there are no other conditions, but places are limited. Moussa, who has always dreamed of leaving, decides to give it a try.

Sénégal, 2016 (17´)


La Laine Sur Le Dos (17 of September 2020)

Two policemen stop an old truck full of sheep driven by an older man accompanied by his grandson on a road in the Tunisian desert. In order to continue on their way to the market, they will have to accept a curious deal …

Túnez, 2016 (16´)


IL PLEUT SUR OUAGA (17 of September 2020)

It’s raining on Ouaga. It’s the season of love, and the country is rebuilding after the revolution. Alpha is about to leave his country to join his French girlfriend, but finds that leaving isn’t so easy. His meeting with Leila opens his eyes.

Burkina Faso, 2017 (24.36´)


LES PASTÈQUES DU CHEIKH (17 of September 2020)

Sheikh Taher is a godly and respected imam. He agrees to pray over the remains of a woman he does not know, but his act of piety proves to be one sin too many and will precipitate the undermining of his power by Hamid, his ambitious and Machiavellian young underling..

Tunez, 2018 (23´)


Heritales @ Cova do Vapor – Trafaria – Portugal (10th of July 2020)

Cinema in the Outdoor

On the 10 of june Heritales will collaborate with the Biblioteca do Vapor for an exciting night under the stars!
Come to assist in asession of outdoor scinema with all the family and have a different night.


  • Target Audience: General public, families, children, adults, seniors,
  • Day: 10th of July 2019
  • Time: 21.30
  • Duration: 90min
  • Location:  Jardin das Merendas Cova Do Vapor  – Trafaria
  • Presence of the director: No
  • Registration: No registration required but lçimited space available
  • Extra Activities: Presentation and debate with Nicola Schiavottiello co-directors of Heritales.

Fontes hidrotermais. Uma fonte de vida ou uma fonte de mistérios? Quando se perde no oceano profundo, o Tentáculos encontra um surpreendente oásis de vida. Junta-te ao Tentáculos para perceber como pode haver vida nas fontes hidrotermais.

Oceanos. Uma fonte interminável de energia limpa.
O Tentáculos sente-se sem energia, mas o que não falta é energia no oceano. Junta-te ao Tentáculos e vem descobrir como podemos aproveitar a energia do mar.

Onda da Nazaré. Uma onda tão grande como a sua fama.
No maravilhoso oceano do Tentáculos há uma onda que se destaca: a onda da Nazaré. Chega a ter mais de 20 metros de altura e atrai surfistas destemidos de todo o mundo. Junta-te ao Tentáculos e vem saber mais sobre esta onda gigante.

A sardinha e o upwelling. Uma história que acaba no prato ou no pão.
Enquanto o Tentáculos se diverte num arraial dos santos populares, descobre porque é que as sardinhadas são o pitéu de eleição dos portugueses durante o verão.

Oceano. O grande pulmão azul.
Temos mais a agradecer ao oceano do que o que pensamos. Junta-te ao Tentáculos, enquanto este se tenta desembaraçar de uma alga teimosa, e descobre mais sobre o importante papel do oceano para o planeta Terra.

Client: SNIMAR -Sistema De Nacional de Informaçao Do Mar


Nuno Beato ThumbNuno Beato

Nuno Beato was born in 1977. He decided to open LAMPADACESA in 1998, after working with other producers. His career in the Animation Cinema has been in continuous growth. He likes to experiment new techniques and explore different materials.


Category: Documentary-Animation Duration: 60′ – Spoken Language: Portuguese – Subtitle Available: English Production Date: 2016 – Producer/Production Entity: EMEPC, Sardinha em Lataf


“Adriatic” is the name of the documentary film on ethnic-linguistic Croatian-Albanian minorities historically present in Molise, starting as early as the fifteenth century following the Ottoman invasion of the Balkan Peninsula. The documentary has a dreamlike and narrative character. It contains two main chapters: the first dedicated to the Italian-Albanians, the second to the Italian-Croats. The necessary epilogue with which the documentary film ends, indicates the contamination as an essential element of that inevitable cultural process that has always characterized human history.
The exodus does not deprive the people of its identity, on the contrary, it is strengthened and reintegrated into the territory in which it lives, becoming a constituent part of it.
The Albanian and Croatian communities have contributed to enriching the territories in which they have settled by introducing customs, traditions, and above all the language: the most important element of the identity and sense of belonging of a people. Diversity and cultural contamination are often interpreted in a negative sense and not as a resource and mutual growth in contemporary society. Furthermore, the title of the documentary emphasizes the main and determining role of the sea in the history of these populations. A story that is repeated in today’s migrations caused by unstable socio-political conditions in the countries of origin. The link between Italy and the Balkans has ancient roots, dating back to the time of the Kingdom of Naples. The Adriatic is the bridge that unites the two shores: it brings salvation, hope and ensures a future.
“Adriatic” derives from an extensive work of recovering the historical memory of the ethnic-linguistic minorities of Molise and of enhancing their languages, customs and traditions. A work made possible thanks to the involvement of researchers, academics, scholars, teachers and musicians. The goal is to make known the reality of the Albanian and Croatian ethnic-linguistic communities that are located within the small region of Molise. It is a priceless heritage, not only for our territory, but also for the entire nation, bringing them to the attention of the States of origin such as Albania and Croatia. These communities are a collective good that must be preserved and encouraged so that they are not forgotten in history.


One Day with Doctor Sergio

Nikita is 8, he is a worldschooler from Australia – he is traveling the World full time with his mother Oxana. While living in the mountains of Chiapas, among indigenous people with their bright culture, they met a real hero – Doctor Sergio Castro – a true Mexican humanitarian. Doctor Sergio has provided free medical help and building schools for local people of the poorest Mexican state of Chiapas for more than half a century. The local people of Chiapas are Mayan Indians of different ethnic groups. Each ethnic group has its own costumes, language, Catholic Patron Saint and traditions. The amazing doctor utilized this diversity, opening an ethnic Mayan museum which generated funds for to support his humanitarian work. Nikita and his mum became inspired by the unique personality of Doctor Sergio and decided to tell his story to the World. They followed Doctor Sergio and filmed him on his daily rounds. This film shows daily routine of the great contemporary humanitarian through the eyes of eight years old child.

The Island

Zanzibar, an island on the east coast of Africa, is a wonder and a myth. It used to be the biggest trading port in the Indian ocean, with Africans, Persians, Arabs, Indians living together for centuries in peace. The film aims to reveal the secret to cultural diversity and co-existence through the lens of an Omani Plantation owner, a painter, a Taarab singer.
Yusuf’s grandfather came to Zanzibar 130 years ago from Oman. He runs a biggest spice plantation with 30 types of spices, including 5000 cinnamon trees. A local painter, Hamadi’s great grandparents came to Zanzibar from Yemen in 1800. Amina, is the singer of a band, who plays a music genre mixing Arabian tones with Swahili lyrics, Taarab.

Zanzibar, seems to be a place for everybody.


A heart-warming exploration of photographer Tawfik Elgazzar’s community art project, Flash Hub, which provides free portraits for locals and passers-by in Sydney’s Inner West. The film celebrates individuality, cultural diversity and the joy of a photographer seeing his subjects smile.


To Wake – Buddhi

Once upon a time in the forest of Kullu, there was a young girl named Janisha Marchal. This girl was happy whenever she played in the forest. The trees spoke to her, she was completely in tune with the ecosystem. However, the presence of fires began killing the trees and unchecked human greed ravaged the land. The trees communicate their message to Janisha as a warning for all of humankind: humans cannot keep burning the forests and cutting down the trees or else there will be irreparable consequences for people. This green paradise situated in the Himalayas is in grave danger due to the savage climate change caused by the neglect of men. This may be desribed like a fairy tale, but it is actually a documentary, and the fate of the Kullu forest is a very real concern.
The term “Buddhi” is a feminine vedict Sanskrit which is used to describe the force behind wisdom and awakening, thus giving the documentary’s title “TO WAKE”. Janisha, despite being five years of age, is wiser and far more in tune with nature than people may realize. Janisha and the women of the community she lives in have dedicated their lives to preserve the Kullu forest. They are environmentally aware on both a physical and spiritual level. Her people even go so far as to design an oven which burns fewer wood and emits less smoke emissions. Janisha wishes to impart and extend her wisdom to the people of her village, thus empowering them to save their ecosystem. However, Janisha has also seen the dark side of human ignorance: massive fires burning the magical forest she lives in, for no reason at all. The toll this takes on her reveals the almost symbiotic relationship between Janisha and the forest itself, as she is in tune with her surroundings on a deeply spiritual level. Janisha understands the forest, she feels its pain when burnt and decimated, and this is why she communicates her message and tries to spread the word before it is too late. Janisha represents the power of women as protectors of nature, women have always been more connected to the earth and Janisha is a clear example of a level of awareness that not many manage to achieve. Janisha is also highly empathetic with animals and other living beings, becoming a protector of life as a whole, for both flora and fauna and for all of humanity for it is all connected. Without the trees, there is no air, no water from the rains, no animals to keep the delicate equilibrium and finally there will be no more people on the face of the earth. Janisha was born with a nerve disorder known as “Erb’s Palsy” which has rendered her right arm immobile, this doesn’t stop her from becoming an ambassador, a teacher and a mentor for an entire generation of protectors and activists. Janisha is the heroine of an ongoing story; her battle as protector of the Kullu forest has just begun. Her name means “Go Darkness”, her destiny is to bring light to the world.