Heritales @ Teatro do Recreio Desportivo da Trafaria (Casino) (26th of February 2022)

Cinema in the Casino

This Saturday we are projecting some of the animations of our past editions. Come and join us at the Recreios Desportivos da Trafaria in collaboration with Canto do Curió .
Free animated movie session for children and families.
This session is part of the monthly Film Cycle at Recreios Desportivos da Trafaria
The films to be shown are animated shorts that participated in this film festival. They are: Alda, Florigami, Fontes Renováveis, Four Fold, I am Tree, Land without evil, Names of the Months, Papital, The Myth of Tsou, Wild as raspberry, Zeed sprouting
This session is promoted by the Commission of Residents of the Neighborhoods Madame Faber and 1.º Torrão e Canto do Curió Cultural Association, with support from the National Program Healthy Neighborhoods and the Union of Parishes of Caparica and Trafaria.

Please join us in this magic Saturday afternoon on one of the most beautiful setting of the Lisbon region. The old Casino of Trafaria, on the river Tagus will host this event and it will welcome you in its beautiful renewed premise.


  • Target Audience: General public, families, children, adults, seniors,
  • Day: 22nd of February 2022
  • Time: 15.00
  • Duration: 75min
  • Location: Teatro do Recreio Desportivo da Trafaria (Portugal)
  • Registration: No registration, free entry but limited sopaces available
  • Presence of the director: Yes
  • Extra Activities: Presentation by Nicola Schiavottiello (Co-director Heritales)

Heritales @ Barrio Torrão 2° – Trafaria (23rd of September 2021)

HERITALES Animation´s film selection 2020

After the great success in 2020 with many films about different thematics and the presentation of the winner of the animation category at the Monstra Festival, Heritales re-propose a night of projection of the 15 animated selected film of the 2020 edition. We will be waiting you at the            Barrio Torrão 2° one of the most emblematic and fascinating neighbourhood in the south of Lisbon (Portugal).


  • Target Audience: General public, youth, adults, families, childrens
  • Day: 23rd of May 2021
  • Time: 19.00
  • Duration: 60 min
  • Location: Barrio Torrao 2°
  • Presence of the director: No
  • Registration: No need but limited space available
  • Extra Activities: Presentation by d  Nicola Schiavottiello (Co-director Heritales) and Joao Cao da Associaçao Canto do Curio


Heritales @ The Night of Researchers – Evora – Portugal (24th of September 2021)

  • Target Audience: General public, youth, adults, seniors, researchers, cultural programmers.
  • Day: 24th ofSeptember 2021
  • Time: 16.00 to 23.00
  • Duration: 90min
  • Location : Associação Comercial do Distrito de Évora
  • Registration: free entry
  • Notes: Film projection followed by debate with festival organizers Maria Zozaya , Takis Sarantoupolos, Fernando Mendes, Nicola Schiavottiello

Heritales @ Convento dos Remedios – Evora – Portugal (22nd of July 2021)

  • Target Audience: General public, youth, adults, seniors, researchers, cultural programmers.
  • Day: 22nd of July 2021
  • Time: 22.00
  • Duration: 90min
  • Location : Conventos dos Remédios Évora
  • Registration: free entry
  • Notes: Film projection followed by debate with festival organizers Maria Zozaya , Takis Sarantoupolos, Fernando Mendes

Heritales @ University Lusofona – Lisbon (9th of October 2020)

Animation competition Award 2020.

Heritales in collaboration with MONSTRA – Lisbon Animated Film Festival present a unique event at the event at the Cinema Fernando Lopes in the  Lusofona University in Lisbon
An occasion not to be missed in the late afternoon of the 9th of October. Monstra Festival will be screen for us the winner of the 2020 animation competition. Places are limited and you need to contact directly the organization of the Monstra Festival.

The event will be also screened online at: https://www.facebook.com/festivalmonstra

and on our facebook  page: https://www.facebook.com/heritales

Amanhã, Cerimónia de Encerramento da #MONSTRAaoVIVO! Será às 19h no Cinema Fernando Lopes da ULHT – Universidade…

Posted by MONSTRA – Lisbon Animated Film Festival on Thursday, 8 October 2020

Heritales Awards – Lisboa/Trafaria – Portugal (25th – 26th of September 2020)

Award Cerimony & Residency 2020

Heritales celebrates the award ceremony and the residency of the online 2020 competition. We would like to invite all our fans for 2 days of Heritage films activities. The award event will take place online at the Nacinal Museum of Ethnology while the residency will take place on the opposite side of the river Tejo in the beutiful fishing village of Trafaria. Due to the current situacion this year we need to restrict tha available places so don’t forget to reserve yours at: info@heritales.com

  • Target Audience: General public, families, children, adults, seniors,
  • Day: 25th & 26th of September 2020
  • Time: See poster
  • Duration: See poster
  • Location:

25th of September Online at https://www.heritales.org/wp/live/

26th of September Antigo Presidio da Trafaria – Trafaria (Portugal)

26th of September Recreio Desportivo da TrafairaTrafaria (Portugal)

  • Presence of the director: Yes
  • Registration: Please send us an email with the name and surname of all the partecipants at: info@heritales.org
  • Extra Activities: Presentation and debate with all the members of Heritales and director of the 2020 edition

Download Poster in PDF English

Download Poster in PDF Portuguese

Heritales @ Cova do Vapor – Trafaria – Portugal (18th of September2020)

Cinema in the Outdoor

On the 18th of  September Heritales will collaborate once again with the Biblioteca do Vapor for an exciting night under the stars!
Come to assist in a session of outdoor cinema with all the family and have a different night.
  • Target Audience: General public, families, children, adults, seniors,
  • Day: 10th of July 2019
  • Time: 21.30
  • Duration: 90min
  • Location:  Jardin das Merendas Cova Do Vapor  – Trafaria
  • Presence of the director: No
  • Registration: No registration required but lçimited space available
  • Extra Activities: Presentation and debate with Nicola Schiavottiello co-directors of Heritales.

Fontes hidrotermais. Uma fonte de vida ou uma fonte de mistérios? Quando se perde no oceano profundo, o Tentáculos encontra um surpreendente oásis de vida. Junta-te ao Tentáculos para perceber como pode haver vida nas fontes hidrotermais.

Oceanos. Uma fonte interminável de energia limpa.
O Tentáculos sente-se sem energia, mas o que não falta é energia no oceano. Junta-te ao Tentáculos e vem descobrir como podemos aproveitar a energia do mar.

Onda da Nazaré. Uma onda tão grande como a sua fama.
No maravilhoso oceano do Tentáculos há uma onda que se destaca: a onda da Nazaré. Chega a ter mais de 20 metros de altura e atrai surfistas destemidos de todo o mundo. Junta-te ao Tentáculos e vem saber mais sobre esta onda gigante.

A sardinha e o upwelling. Uma história que acaba no prato ou no pão.
Enquanto o Tentáculos se diverte num arraial dos santos populares, descobre porque é que as sardinhadas são o pitéu de eleição dos portugueses durante o verão.

Oceano. O grande pulmão azul.
Temos mais a agradecer ao oceano do que o que pensamos. Junta-te ao Tentáculos, enquanto este se tenta desembaraçar de uma alga teimosa, e descobre mais sobre o importante papel do oceano para o planeta Terra.

Client: SNIMAR -Sistema De Nacional de Informaçao Do Mar


Nuno Beato ThumbNuno Beato

Nuno Beato was born in 1977. He decided to open LAMPADACESA in 1998, after working with other producers. His career in the Animation Cinema has been in continuous growth. He likes to experiment new techniques and explore different materials.


Category: Documentary-Animation Duration: 60′ – Spoken Language: Portuguese – Subtitle Available: English Production Date: 2016 – Producer/Production Entity: EMEPC, Sardinha em Lataf

Heritales @ Cova do Vapor – Trafaria – Portugal (10th of July 2020)

Cinema in the Outdoor

On the 10 of june Heritales will collaborate with the Biblioteca do Vapor for an exciting night under the stars!
Come to assist in asession of outdoor scinema with all the family and have a different night.


  • Target Audience: General public, families, children, adults, seniors,
  • Day: 10th of July 2019
  • Time: 21.30
  • Duration: 90min
  • Location:  Jardin das Merendas Cova Do Vapor  – Trafaria
  • Presence of the director: No
  • Registration: No registration required but lçimited space available
  • Extra Activities: Presentation and debate with Nicola Schiavottiello co-directors of Heritales.

Fontes hidrotermais. Uma fonte de vida ou uma fonte de mistérios? Quando se perde no oceano profundo, o Tentáculos encontra um surpreendente oásis de vida. Junta-te ao Tentáculos para perceber como pode haver vida nas fontes hidrotermais.

Oceanos. Uma fonte interminável de energia limpa.
O Tentáculos sente-se sem energia, mas o que não falta é energia no oceano. Junta-te ao Tentáculos e vem descobrir como podemos aproveitar a energia do mar.

Onda da Nazaré. Uma onda tão grande como a sua fama.
No maravilhoso oceano do Tentáculos há uma onda que se destaca: a onda da Nazaré. Chega a ter mais de 20 metros de altura e atrai surfistas destemidos de todo o mundo. Junta-te ao Tentáculos e vem saber mais sobre esta onda gigante.

A sardinha e o upwelling. Uma história que acaba no prato ou no pão.
Enquanto o Tentáculos se diverte num arraial dos santos populares, descobre porque é que as sardinhadas são o pitéu de eleição dos portugueses durante o verão.

Oceano. O grande pulmão azul.
Temos mais a agradecer ao oceano do que o que pensamos. Junta-te ao Tentáculos, enquanto este se tenta desembaraçar de uma alga teimosa, e descobre mais sobre o importante papel do oceano para o planeta Terra.

Client: SNIMAR -Sistema De Nacional de Informaçao Do Mar


Nuno Beato ThumbNuno Beato

Nuno Beato was born in 1977. He decided to open LAMPADACESA in 1998, after working with other producers. His career in the Animation Cinema has been in continuous growth. He likes to experiment new techniques and explore different materials.


Category: Documentary-Animation Duration: 60′ – Spoken Language: Portuguese – Subtitle Available: English Production Date: 2016 – Producer/Production Entity: EMEPC, Sardinha em Lataf

Names of Months (Arabic)

A song animation about teaching the names of months in Arabic, this music video aims to provide an attractive way for children to learn about their heritage. The lyrics of the song are inspired by rhyming folk proverbs, while the images in the animation make cultural reference to different parts of the Arab region: pyramids in Egypt, ruins in Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq, olive picking in Tunisia, folk dancing in Palestine, sea turtles in Yemen, etc. It is a five-minute cultural voyage into the four seasons.

The Fourfold

Based on the animistic beliefs and shamanic rituals in Mongolia and Siberia since recorded history, the film is about the indigenous worldview and wisdom: Nature is the homeland of human being, Tengri is the deity and the father sky, Earth is the mother with rivers nourishing all beings, paganist and pantheist gods co-exist with all mortals.Against the backdrop of the modern existential crisis and the human-induced rapid environmental change, there is a necessity to reclaim the ideas of animism for planetary health and non-human materialities.