Synopsis: “Believe” is a short animation exploring a short story based on the origin of belief in human beings and its subsequent evolution. The comical narrative delves into the inception of worship, the resulting divisions it creates, and human perceptions of idols, all portrayed through stylized storytelling. Through a few central characters, the filmmaker endeavors to present a universal theme and convey their own developed narrative, illustrating the diverse interpretations and consequences of belief.
Director: Ananth Krishnan
Writer: Ananth Krishnan
Producer: Ananth Krishnan
Country of Origin: India
Runtime: 00:04:47
Student’s Project: Yes
Ananth Krishnan
Bio: As a design student, I take pleasure in generating new ideas and possess a keen eye for aesthetics and intricate details. My enthusiasm for films is profound, and I’m eager to learn the art of film-making. In addition to that, I’m a digital artist and have a great fondness for concept art, always striving to fuse the traditional art style into digital platforms. I find character design influenced by real-life personalities to be particularly fascinating.