Synopsis: During the war years when women were kidnapped and tortured in concentration camps, a young woman was struggling to cross the border with her newborn baby and three elderly relatives. However, their ox-cart got stuck on a muddy road near the security post. While their minds were obsessed with the possibility of being apprehended by the enemy, the magic of humanity brought out something unexpected.
Submitter Statement: Encouraging viewers to avoid quick judgments and premature conclusions, the animation’s central message urges them to step into others’ shoes, fostering empathy even in challenging situations. This empathetic act often reveals the enchanting essence of our shared humanity. Deep within each of us lies an inherent goodness that, given time or the benefit of doubt, can emerge, promoting mutual understanding. By recognizing ourselves as interconnected threads in the same social fabric, bound by common concerns, joys, and happiness, we unveil the magic that defines our collective existence.
Director: Merve Cirisoglu
Writer: Merve Cirisoglu
Producer: Merve Cirisoglu
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Language: No Dialogue
Runtime: 00:08:30
Project Website:
Student’s Project: No