New Year

The short animated puppet film “New Year” refers to the traditional Chinese folk story “New Year”, but because of technical and time reasons, the original story was adapted, mainly telling three different age personality people understand the “New Year” story, and imagine it for themselves….

Land without Evil (Honorable Mention)

Throughout history people have always been searching for a perfect place. This shortfilm, based on Guaraní mythology (Tierra sin mal), offers another point of view on paradise: what if the real paradise is inside us and lies in the harmony and unity of everything alive?

Dvandva (द्वंद्व)

A contrasting portrait of the city of Ahmedabad and its diverse citizens; with brush-strokes of their pace of life, pseudo urban lifestyle, the hypocrisy in law, careless celebrations & harmony in the City.
A Short Film Animated in 48 Hours. 

FCAT & Heritales @ Evora – Portugal (22nd-23rd of February 2019)

Program (Spanish)

Heritales @ CAE of Navalcarnero – Spain (15th of February 2019)

Sounds of Kibera

In Kibera (Nairobi), one of the biggest slums of the world, Simon, Philip and Geoffrey have created the collective MADE IN KIBERA (MIK). Their goal is to unite the numerous artists of Kibera and provide them with a space inside the tough conditions of the slum where they can grow. MIK is constructing a professional music and video studio that will help the local artists record their work in higher quality and, in order to promote it, they are preparing a massive event that is already bringing together all Kibera artists.

  • Target Audience: General public, youth, adults, seniors
  • Day: 15 of February 2019
  • Time: 20.00
  • Duration: 90 min
  • Location: Auditorio del Centro de Artes Escénicas de Navalcarnero (Spain)
  • Presence of the director: no
  • Registration: Not required
  • Extra Activities: Tertulia debate: María Zozaya, co-director of th Heritales – International Heritage Film Festival, since 2016 and Doctor and researcher in History CIDEHUS. Rocío Royo, Lda. en Derecho y gestora cultural of the  Espacio C.
    Aldera Velasca
    , Violista coordinator of the project DaLaNota and president of the platform REDOMI, web of organization musicsociology. Daniel Lovecchio, Co-diretor of the teatre TylTyl (Navalcarnero)

Filmclubism in BF

In Baixada Fluminense, independent cultural groups began a filmclub movement that brings cinema to the viewer. For over a decade, these film clubs have a massive role on the social upbringing of suburb regions and the starting of a dialog to change the day-to-day of these cities. This documentary shows the role of six of the major filmclubs in Baixada Fluminense; Cineclube Mate com Angu, from Duque de Caxias; Cineclube Buraco do Getulio, from Nova Iguaçu; Cineclube Donana, from Belford Roxo; Cineclube Cinema de Guerrilha, from São João de Meriti; Cineclube Xuxu com Xis, from Austin; and Facção Feminista Cineclube, from Duque de Caxias. These film clubs take movies to squares, to bars, to schools and to where else there is a place to show. Promote film clubs is preserve the possibility of gathering, of relating with another and the pleasure of share and motivate people. 

Fertile Land at Full Tide (Honouarable Mention)

Birth is, in many peoples, a time of celebration and worship. However, over the years, the hospitalization of childbirth has destroyed many of the roots that linked us to the ancestral culture. The documentary discusses stories of women who exercised the profession of partaking and brought knowledge that goes beyond obstetric training, presenting birth in a natural and humanized way. The relationship between midwife and parturient, non-medical solutions, and spirituality appear as paths to female freedom while they represent a connection with the ancestry erased by time.

Hindu Eu

‘Hindu Eu’ is a documentary that explores the reality and space of the Portuguese Hindu community in the Radha Krishna Temple in Telheiras. The film accompanies a typical afternoon in this space, divided into three parts: the arrival in the temple gardens that transport anyone to a peaceful state of mind and retreat; a communion meal and community approach; and a worship ritual to the Gods that nothing stands behind an extrassensorial experience of sharing of love and peace.

Goodbye Forever

A tribe from Brazil performs a farewell ritual for a member of the village who has just passed away.
The ritual is performed around a bonfire where members of the tribe and caciques of other ethnic groups come.

Kabadio (Best Cinematoraphy)

A deep dive into a new world, filled with rituals, music, magic, secrets, fascinating images and stories of real people who struggle to survive, keeping their traditions in the midst of a civil war and the smuggling of goods.
In the heart of Casamance (southern region of Senegal), a small Muslim village, which is a sort of mystical island protected by religious leaders called Marabus, the sound of drums lights the fire, dictating the fate of an uncertain future, where mysticism is the only protective shield.
We are in front of a large mirror. The mirror of the soul. Where you can touch the blowing wind; where you can feel the dried land under your feet just a few kilometers from the sea. Where you hear enlightened children’s laughing, spreading hope for those able to get close to them. Where time goes by slowly, barefoot.