Synopsis: An Israeli Anthropologist traveling throughout Amazonia to meet the descendants of the Moroccan Jews who immigrated to this region since 1810. Together they are sharing their unique story of resilience and persistence in this special part of the world, as well as their daily lives and their deep feelings towards their Jewish origins, which sometimes still exist only in their hearts. So now, 210 years after the beginning of the immigration of Jews from Morocco to the Amazon region, where are they today and what happened to their descendants during all these years? I traveled far away to the amazing Amazon region, first in 2010 and the second time in 2021, hoping to find answers to these questions. Now, 13 years after my first journey, this film is completed. Fortunato Chocron, Samuel Pereira, Meri Chamani, Cloude Chamani, Maria Botbol, Maria Sarrafi, Ronyo De Mercede Gama, Julia Cohen Niva Danieli Leite Fima, Tzafira Ohana and Anne Benchimol, together with many others whom I encountered in my journeys are sharing the different histories and stories of these communities and individuals. Their Jewish story is embedded in the unique scenery of the Amazon River and forests, intertwined with the local cultures that exist in this area while keeping their specific identity and traditions. Our dialogues and encounters were amazing experiences and lessons that I experienced and that I wish to share with the rest of the world. The soundtrack of the film is made up of 6 songs of the wonderful Israeli-Moroccan-Brazilian singer Lala Tamar, mainly in Hakitia (the special Jewish language that was spoken in Spanish Morocco and still kept in Amazonia) bringing Morocco’s original Judaism sounds to the story, which is flowing along the rivers and forests. The film is also a site to remember those who are no longer with us and to honor their memory and their contribution to the Jewish life in Amazonia, which they generously shared throughout this film.
Submitter Statement: SINCE THE 18TH CENTUARY, JEWS IMMIGRATED TO AMAZONIA TO SEEK FOR BRIGHTER FUTURE IN WHAT THAN CONSIDERED THE NEW “ELDORADO”, 1000 FAMILES ARRIVED FROM MORROCO AND SETTELED THROUGH OUT PARA AND AMAZONAS STATES AND ESTABLISHED THEIR NEW HOMELAND. THEY HAVE KEPT JEWISH COMMUNITY LIVES THROUGH SYNAGOUES, CEMETARIES’ AND TRADITIONS THEY BROUGH FROM MORROCO, AND BECAME THE MORROCAN JEWS OF AMAZONIA.. BUT NOT ALL WENT ON THE SAME PATH, AND MANY WERE NOT ABALE TO CONTINUE BEING PRACTICING JEWS..SLOWLY BUT SURLEY THEY HAVE MOVED AWAY FROM JEWISH IDENTITY AND EVERYDAY LIFE AS SUCH. ALL THEY KEPT IS DEEP IN THEIR MEMORIES, THEIR FAMILY NAMES, AND FEW OLD PICTURES OR DRAWINGS OF THEIR GRANDPARENTS AND THEIR FORFATHERS AND MOTHERS.. TODAY, THERE ARE TWO ACTIVIE COMMUNITIES IN BELEM AND MANAUS, AND MANY MORE DESECNDENTS THROUGH OUT AMAZONIA INCLUDING THE ARCHIPELEG OF MARAJO. I first heard about Jews in Amazonia when I celebrated my 50th birthday through the film “ERETZ AMAZONIA” BY DAVID SALGADO, then with no hesitation and his great help I took my first journey in summer 2010 to meet the people who are still living in Belem- Santarem, Obidos and Manaus. I met many people who shared their memories and life stories of their Jewish life. I made many interviews and collected evidence of this unique communities. In the last days of my journey, I met Benchimol family, when I received from Jaime Benchimol, the book Eretz Amazonia, written by Prof. Samuel Benchimol. After returning home, during two years I, together with David Salgado translated the book to Hebrew. When it was ready we celebrated the 10th anniversary for the death of Samuel Benchimol with 200 participants from Amazonia in Israel. Since that event, I gave numerous presentations throughout Israel to various audiences, including the annual meeting of the Ladino speaking community in Israel. Following my presentations, many people are still approaching me asking help to find any footsteps of their lost family and relatives, even in a cemetery. I kept my close communication with several people, especially Anne Benchimol ever since. 11 years past…all this time, I kept my footage and photos with me, but was not yet ready to work on a film… Recently, on November 2021 I returned to Belem to participate in the Ethnographic film festival…and I got an invitation from Iriai Chokron from Breves to come and visit the archipelago of Marajo and see by myself what has been left from the Jewish presence there.. Samuel Benchimol in his book claim for about 300000 descendants of Jews throughout Amazonia, so I really wanted to understand what does it mean, how does it look like and what were the dynamics of their life from being Moroccan Jews originally to Catholics or Evangelists today who are still remembering and are relating in minimum way to their original identity. I flew to Breves…And in 45 amazing moments I was there to start my inquiry… I met several families, visited the abandoned cemetery with Jewish graves, traveled inside Jacarazinho River to meet and interview more families. And got some clear answers to what I was looking for. Upon my return to Israel this time, I understood that the time came to use all I have collected in 2010 and on this recent journey and to make my own film about my encounter with Moroccan Jews and their descendants in Amazonia. Following my visit with the Jewish museum in Sao Paulo and their intentions to take a more serious and deep time and space to present this story I offered immediately to make my film in collaboration with the museum and make a film that will be part of their exhebition and presentation on this topic..
Director: Malka Shabtay
Writer: Malka Shabtay
Producer: Malka Shabtay
Country of Origin: Israel
Country of Filming: Brazil
Language: English, Hebrew, Portuguese
Runtime: 01:01:15
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