Synopsis: In a village in Naryn, Kyrgyzstan, there is a family of four living peacefully. They have a precious son named Islam. He was born with cerebral palsy and cannot walk by himself. Because of the remote location, the village is unable to provide rehabilitation for him. Milk tea poured into the empty cup, his mother staring at the clinic, his father and brother fixing the car. All lead to one hope. This film is made for all children with disabilities who live in remote areas. We are offering all the funds we receive through this film to support their expenses of rehabilitation.
Director: Kazuya Isobe
Producer: Kyzzhibek
Key Cast: Islam, Erkinbek, Tolobubu, Kairat
Country of Origin: Japan
Country of Filming: Kyrgyzstan
Language: Kyrgyzstanese
Subtitles: English
Runtime: 00:14:53